Monday, August 27, 2007

Week 1...

I really supposedly started last week when my kids started school...I can't commit to exercise, I really just despise it too bad...So I was just going to eat better. I did so a few years ago and lost almost 40 lbs just by changing my eating habits. I went back to eating normally (which for me means whatever I want, and alot of it!)and maintained for a long time..Until May when I started on birth control pills...Stupid things! I have gained about 8 lbs since then...So this morning when I weighed, I had lost only .8 lbs...Not too surprised though...I had lost some inches though, I'm sure some of it has to do with how I measured, but I'll take it...So basically my plan is, try to be really good for lunch and dinner, then eat normally for dinner...It's worked before, hopefully it will work now...Do you guys have one food that is seriously so killer to you? Mine is pizza, I swear, I love it so much I could eat a whole one! Well, alright, I don't think I could eat a whole one...But it's the one food that I ALWAYS overeat with. I just can't help it! I just love it so much. Ugh. Stupid food, why can't we just eat what we want and stay a normal size? Really? Hope all of you girls are doing well!


Kristen said...

Andrea, I hear ya on the Pizza! I could never just eat ONE for heaven sake:) I could eat Pizza everyday and never get sick of it. When my sister and I went to NY that is ALL we ate! It was the best!
good luck with the eating well, I have learned that eating well is like 85% of loosing weight and exercising is 15%...or something like that...eating well is just more important, of course doing both is ideal but exercising is just so not fun! I have to say it's fun when it's over. it does make you feel better :)

Christina said...

ive realized exercising is like dont really want to..but once you start..then your cool with it..then when its done you wonder why you complained!! ahhah

i was laughing thinking OH kristen LOVES pizza!! mine is warm bread and REAL butter!!

i'd try eating the same breakfast for most of the days..also eating on a smaller plate and MORE OFTEN!

Anonymous said...'t get me started with that!!! I LOVE pizza and could eat an entire one and am willing to admit it! I'm gonna have to agree with you on pizza Andrea!

Quick pizza tangent[well not so quick :-)] freshman year in college pizza hut was doing a deal much like the one that is FINALLY back--2 mediums for 5 bucks each.(I think it's 3 mediums for 5 bucks each now, not sure) well what poor student CAN'T avoid that deal.
My roommate and I would get a pizza each and I of course could polish off one in one sad. .(it would have been a better deal if I HAD made it into TWO meals...HELLO!!!)
I not surprisingly gained 10 pounds my freshman year...I was just glad I didn't gain the "freshman 15"!! HA.

Oh pizza. Hey Andrea, when I lost my weight the past four months I LOVED the lean cuisine pizza's for lunch, it helped me feel like I was "buying" food but eating healthier. My favorites: BBQ chicken, pepporoni, supreme, and roasted veggie. I buy them when they're on sale, much better deal. I could eat those everyday for lunch if I let myself!

Well this comment is WAY too long and making me realize it's time to eat dinner....better go BUY dinner since I have only ONE MORE WEEK to indulge baby!! (Plus Jon is at a golf tournament all day and getting fed, so hey, I'm getting food!)

Anonymous said...

P.S. Totally true about the sex Christina!

Haircutmom said...

He he are too funny! Today I started the day out on a good note, woke up early (first time in a while), read my scriptures, said my prayers, threw on my brand new work out clothes that I bought a month and a half ago (they still had the tags on), weighed in and took my measurements, and went for a hearty walk. I had a bowl of oatmeal and was determined to be good.....well....that didn't last too long. I waited too long before I ate again and got way too hungry. Aaron was hungry too so we stopped off at Del Taco....I had no will power....I ordered French Fries with my bean and cheese burrito.

I know that I can't let myself get too hungry because that is when I make poor choices. As for my "killer food", homemade cookies are my downfall. I could live off of cookies....actually...I have.

Christina said...

oh louann-you know i loved the 5 buck pizza deal in provo! jon & i lived on that stuff- afterall brick oven where jon worked was SO expensive!!

sherry:thats why i have to eat often..otherwise im STARVING and order everything! next time JUST order the bean burrito--thats what i've been doing...

melissa's life said...

I love the sex/exercise comparison- it's so true!!! I'm starting weight watchers tomorrow- was supposed to today, but i never made it down there. I hope that's not an indication of how successful I'll be. I've gained so much weight the past couple of months- how sad I am!

Lauralee said...

christina you crack me up with your comparison- true but hilarious!

andrea.. pizza? no I am not a big pizza person.. of course I eat it.. I will eat anything..but that isn't my down fall.. I would have to say it is tons of foods.. I just will eat anything.. and lots of it.. like I love cereal and could and sometimes eat it 3 times a day..

I think my biggest issue is portion control.. we'll see if I can get that in control!

donna said...

Fun blog ladies.