Saturday, August 25, 2007

Your LAST good meal...

So today (Sunday) will be your LAST good meal! I hope everyone is encouraged and excited to begin the next 4 months. This will be a place where everyone is welcome to post how they are doing-or how they are struggling and just need some motivation. It is also a place to add ANY tips or tricks you have! I will make it so that anyone can post on here (both posts and comments).

My trick is i eat the SAME thing for breakfast, a bowl of either oatmeal with splenda or cream of wheat with splenda. Also after my workout at the gym i shug a quick protein shake.



Andrea said...

Good luck everyone!

Anonymous said...

I'm cheating and my "last" good meal is going to happen next Monday night since the kids don't start school until day after Labor day....I know just another excuse to eat crappy for another week! Nice.

By the way, I've never formally introduced myself to Christina's name is Lou Ann and I used to live in Christina's ward in Riverside and now we live out in Orange County, so hello and thanks for letting me take part!

Haircutmom said...

My last meal was pretty healthy although dessert wasn't. Too many homemade cookies to even count. I'm not sure what my plan is going to be but I am going to start walking tomorrow since I haven't truely exercised in who knows how long. I am really excited to start "bloggercising". Good luck to every one!