Thursday, September 20, 2007

4 DAy'S in a RoW

to the gym.. have done about 3 miles each time.. and that is walking on an incline and doing the eliptical..

a gallon of water is a lot.. I don't think I have got a whole gallon in, but close..

the sugar is hard for me.. I am definately addicted to sugar.. I am cutting way back though so that is a good thing!

I am feeling good!


Christina said...

sweet on the progress! ive been 4 days in a row as well..LOVE IT!

Anonymous said...

Great job Lauralee!!! 4 days in a row is great and 3 miles makes it even better! I read on a yahoo link to drink half your weight in oz. of water, so I'm going to try that, haven't done it yet but trying! (maybe I should get to the gallon first!..what is that, 64oz?--fluid measurments has never been my strong suit)

P.S. Lean Cuisine has been on sale this week at Albertsons!!! 5/$10 I just stocked up on my favorite pizzas!!