Friday, September 28, 2007

Louann-watch out!

Im going to catch up to you girl! i just checked my weight--whoo hoo..its probably just the thryoid medication kicking in again..or maybe its because im better at working out BETTER at the gym..i've been doing MORE weight and LESS reps now..i can FINALLY see some muscle formation--i TOTALLY GET why boys STARE at themselves in the mirror at their muscles! its kinda fun to think "hey i did that!" rock on!

i notice that i kind of just eat what i want..just small portions of it..also on the sweets.. i have a little here and far so good..i figure im burning more muscle and need the energy to burn it!

how's everyone else doing??!?!


Karine said...

You crack me up :) You go Girl, stare away :) Be PROUD :) Its hard getting back in shape and its great when you look in the mirror and like what you see. I wish I could say the same, but today is the first day I am gonna try and take my life back... be in control ... I hope I can make this last a lifetime!
Good luck, keep up the great job :)

Holly said...

I think I need to start reading this one more - I've gained 15 pounds since my June 23rd accident - guess that's what happens when you can't exercise and you shove food down your throat all the time!!!

Karine said...

HOpe you have a great New year :)

Heidi A. said...

Hi GonnaMakeItHappen!

You're now on our site and we'd love for you to link back to us if you can!

Thanks and ....way to go for you!!!